Tag Archives: Trump and wiretapping
Blizzard Hits the East, 24 Million to Lose
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blizzard: Much of the East Coast is blanketed with snow as a blizzard stretches all the way from Washington DC to Maine and north to Montreal. A blizzard warning is in effect for eight states. As many as 80 million people …
Conservacare Bill Revealed, New Travel Ban
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

ConservaCare: Congressional Republicans have released the draft of an Obamacare replacement bill that replaces the requirement to have insurance with tax credits and incentives for people to buy health insurance. The key difference is that they propose to replace the …
Trump Demands Wiretap Investigation
Monday, March 6, 2017

Say It Ain’t So: FBI Director James Comey over the weekend asked the Justice Department to knock down President Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that his phones were tapped last fall on the orders of President Obama. Comey’s request puts him at …