Tag Archives: Muslim ban

New York Shocker, Muslim Ban Legal

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

As Goes New York: Primary votes in seven states yesterday resulted in a shocker in New York where 28-year-old political rookie Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat 10-term Democratic Rep. Joseph Crowley, who was considered a candidate for Speaker of the House if …

Trump Hits a Nerve, Crowdsource Terror

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Trump Über Alles: Never one to back down, Donald Trump is standing by his call to ban all foreign Muslims from entering the US. In interviews Trump cited President Franklin Roosevelt’s internment of Japanese, Germans, and Italians during World War …

Trump Would Ban Muslims, Couple Radicalized

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bar the Door: In one of his most extreme pronouncements on any issue so far, leading Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for all Muslims to be barred from entering the Unites States until US leaders can “figure out …