Tag Archives: FIFA

FIFA President Banned, “Miss Information”

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Beautiful Game: The international soccer body FIFA has banned its president Sepp Blatter and senior official Michel Platini for eight years. Blatter has been president of FIFA for 17 years and Platini is the man who was expected to …

Trump Hits a Nerve, Crowdsource Terror

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Trump Über Alles: Never one to back down, Donald Trump is standing by his call to ban all foreign Muslims from entering the US. In interviews Trump cited President Franklin Roosevelt’s internment of Japanese, Germans, and Italians during World War …

Russians Pound Rebels, The “Geyser King”

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Russians Are Here: The war in Syria cranked up a big notch yesterday when Russia conducted and supported combined attacks from the air, land, and sea on anti-government forces. Moscow reported that it fired 26 cruise missiles from ships …

Boehner Shocks DC, Putin Props Assad

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Gavel Drops: House Speaker John Boehner said he woke up yesterday morning, prayed, and decided to resign from Congress. His announcement that he will leave Oct. 30th shocked Washington and opened the door for the Republican far right to …