Tag Archives: Democratic Convention

Big Night, Hillary is Human

Friday, July 29, 2016

First Night: The heat was on last night. Hillary Clinton was expected to deliver the speech of her life to convince America why it should elect her president instead of a man who claims to be the answer to everything. …

Hillary Makes History, He’s With Her

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hillary in History: Hillary Clinton last night became the first woman ever nominated by a major political party to run for President of the United States. Coming near the end of Barack Obama’s presidency, it’s a continuation of enormous political …

Philadelphia Meltdown, Turkish Purge

Monday, July 25, 2016

Hillary Fest: The Democratic National Convention gets under way today in Philadelphia amidst sweltering heat, some of it coming from Donald Trump, but most of it from the Democrats’ own kitchen. After the release of 20,000 internal emails to Wikileaks, …