Algeria Aftermath,Obama Swears, Gun Day

Sunday, January 20, 2013

World:  Algerian forces today were still defusing mines and booby traps at a remote desert natural gas complex in eastern Algeria. The final special forces assault ended with at least 23 hostages and 32 Islamist militants dead over a four-day …

Gas Complex Re-Taken, Bolshoi Acid Attack

Saturday, January 19, 2013

World: Algerian special forces say they have re-taken that desert natural gas complex, killing 11 Islamist militants. Seven hostages are reported to have died. With 18 gunmen already reported dead, numbers remain unclear as to the total of casualties in …

Terrorists Hold Gas Plant; Lance Lies, Or Not

Friday, January 18, 2013

World: The situation at a remote gas facility in the Algerian desert is still uncertain and unresolved. As many as 650 people escaped after the attack by Islamist militants, authorities say, but an undisclosed number is still being held hostage. …

Desert Terror, Dreamliner Grounded, Obama Orders

Thursday, January 17, 2013

World: At least 35 hostages may have been killed in a military operation to re-take a foreign-operated natural gas field in the eastern Algerian desert that was over run by Islamic militants on Tuesday. Exact numbers are hard to nail …

Assault Weapons, Sandy Aid, Rebels On the Run

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Guns: President Obama today proposed a new ban on assault weapons, a ten-round magazine limit, and universal background checks for all gun sales, including at gun shows. The President, and Vice President Biden, spoke to an audience that included parents …

Armstrong Admits Doping, NY Gets Strict

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

National: Former international cycling champion Lance Armstrong admitted to Oprah Winfrey that he had used performance-enhancing drugs, Winfrey confirms. The seven-time winner of the Tour de France had for years fought legal battles against doping accusations and denounced former riding …

Prez Hits the Ceiling, Mali Rebels Hit

Monday, January 14, 2013

National: President Obama suggested this morning that he’s prepared to fight the Republican House when it comes to raising the national debt ceiling.  The debt ceiling does not actually raise the debt. It authorizes Congress to pay existing bills and …

Genius Suicide, French Hit Islamists, Platinum Coin

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tech Shock: The death of a young star has rocked the tech world. The Internet genius, activist and sometimes hacker Aaron Swartz hanged himself in his Brooklyn apartment at age 26. Swartz helped invent RSS, a compiler of web feeds, …

Armstrong to Admit, Out of Afghanistan

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Admit Strong: Former international cycling champion Lance Armstrong will admit to doping in an interview with Oprah Winfrey to be taped Monday, according to USA Today. World: American troops will be finished as the front line defense for Afghanistan by …

BBC Scandal, Paris Hit, Cold Dead Hand

Friday, January 11, 2013

World: A report released in Britain today says at least 200 children, some as young as 8, were victims of sexual abuse by the late BBC host Jimmy Savile. The report says Savile, who in public was a zany shaggy-blonde …