Sequester Grounds Them, Terror Leader Dead

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unkindest Cuts: The NY Times reports today that federal budget cuts might hit hardest in Northern Virginia where much of the population lives on federal spending. The Pentagon is set to furlough as many as 90,000 civilian employees, cutting their …

Sequester Signed, Keystone Clean?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

National: President Obama yesterday signed an order to begin the $85 billion in budget cuts known as the sequester. He spoke to the press yesterday shortly after the failure of a last-minute meeting with Republicans to avoid drastic across the …

Sequester Hits Budget, Manning Admits Leaks

Friday, March 1, 2013

National: The federal budget “sequester”, $85 billion in across the board cuts, begins today. Congress went home yesterday. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning  surprisingly admitted giving thousands of classified documents to the website Wikileaks and pleaded guilty to 10 criminal counts. …

Benedict Flies, Sequester at Midnight

Thursday, February 28, 2013

World: Pope Benedict XVI got on a big white helicopter today and left the Vatican. He will live at a Papal retreat outside Rome until a permanent residence is ready inside the Vatican grounds. The Catholic Church must now pick …

Supremes Hear Voting Rights

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

National: The Supreme Court hears arguments today on whether parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act should be lifted because the law targets voting discrimination that doesn’t occur anymore.  This comes at a time when there is a conservative push …

Hot and Not at the Oscars

Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscar Night Jennifer Lawrence tripped on her massive dress but recovered gracefully. Daniel Day-Lewis, classiest speech of the night. First Lady, did she belong? Ben Affleck, upstaged by Michelle, but winning is the best revenge for no Director nomination. Seth …

ArgoNight, NRA Fights

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscar Night: Ben Affleck’s “Argo” is heavily favored to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards tonight. Daniel Day-Lewis looks like a lock for Best Actor for his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln, and Jennifer Lawrence Best Actress for “Silver Linings …

Grounded, Lance & Lindsey

Saturday, February 23, 2013

National: The $400 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is going to be sitting on the tarmac for a while. The Pentagon grounded the entire fleet after finding a cracked fan blade in one of the jets. The F-35 has been …

Pistorius Walks, Defense Cuts, Scooter Scandal

Friday, February 22, 2013

Pistorius: Amputee track star Oscar Pistorius has been granted bail, which is somewhat unusual for a man accused of premeditated murder in South Africa. The magistrate cited several errors and blunders in the prosecution case and said Pistorius was not …

Junior Pleads Guilty, Lance Refuses

Thursday, February 21, 2013

National: Former Democratic Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. pleaded guilty yesterday to a conspiracy charge for bilking his own campaign fund of $750,000. Shortly after, Jackson’s wife Sandi pleaded guilty to filing a false income tax return.  “For years, I lived …